Frequently Asked Questions

Mutual Fund

Investing' means building up to meet future consumption demand with the intention of making profits while 'Saving' is not consuming everything today and leaving something for tomorrow. When we 'invest', we forego our present consumption or do it out of our surplus. In other words, 'savings' again supports 'investment'. When you invest your savings it has morphed into Risk Capital which can be eroded. Risk can be minimized by choosing to invest in low risk investments. The risk associated with each investment changes with time, and must be monitored carefully.

A share is a single unit of ownership in a company, mutual fund or limited partnership. When you purchase shares, you become part owner of a company. As an owner, you are usually entitled to voting rights and to a share of the company's profits, a portion of which are distributed in the form of cash dividends. Dividends are not guaranteed. They may be increased if the company performs well, but they may also be reduced or eliminated if the company performs poorly.

The answer to this question is a definite yes. Although past performance cannot guarantee future market results, stocks historically have outperformed all other long-term financial assets. It is the only financial asset that has significantly outpaced inflation over time. The only important factor to be kept in mind is that investment should always be made with an objective in mind and we should not be too greedy while investing.

It is necessary to review your financial position regularly, at least once a fortnight. Re-evaluate your portfolio to find whether you are making the best of the money you save and invest? Are you happy that you are getting the best possible return from them? Do they fit in with your current "risk profile" - should you, if you are getting closer to retirement, be thinking about reducing the level of risk in your portfolio of investments or should you actually be thinking about taking a few more risks if you have plenty of time in which to build up an investment? Are your short-term investment giving you the desired rate of return or are you trapped by buying the stock at its peak? Book losses on these shares and try to invest in shares where you can make up for the losses. In case of long term investment, track news on the stocks regularly. If there is a change in business environment, management or future profitability, the valuation of stocks will change accordingly, and hence the target price will also change.